Salt Lick BBQ Restaurant - Review
This is a review of my experience at The Salt Lick BBQ Restaurant in Driftwood Texas. I am not in any way affiliated with the Salt Lick or anyone that works there.
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On my recent trip to Austin Texas to visit my Brother In Law (Todd Howard - Guitar player for Granger Smith Band) I posted something on Facebook to the effect of me going to some vineyards in Driftwood, just outside of Austin and a friend of mine suggested that since I was going to be in the area that I should try The Salt Lick BBQ restaurant. Since they also have a vineyard I said, duh! No brainer!
To me, BBQ is fantastic and I love it (I'm from Texas so it's in my blood) but can you honestly say that one BBQ place stands out over another? I mean isn't it like Tex Mex? Other than subtle differences aren't they all the same? Well, Salt Lick is truly fantastic BBQ. No complaints at all. And it does stand above many, if not most others. From the ranch atmosphere to the wonderful hospitality, The Salt Lick delivered!
It's about 10 miles off of any main highway but not difficult to find. When you drive up you are instantly greeted by the beautiful vineyards cascading along the rolling hills of the Big Hill Country. It's 10:45 in the morning and you get the since that this huge operation has been busy since the wee hours of the morning! They must cater or deliver off site, because there were large trucks leaving the place with what I assume is tons of wonderful BBQ.
I like to arrive early and thankfully this day was no exception. We were greeted outside and seated immediately. Within 10 minutes after we sat, there was a line forming outside. As we walked in we are instantly greeted by a large open pit with mouth watering sausage hanging by hooks with the hard wood fire nurturing the flavor in front of my very eyes. Wow!
We were seated in an open area with a great view of the outside, in fact it was like sitting outside. Windows all around us! We sat at long picnic tables that encourage community type seating. Kirby, our waiter greeted us quickly. He was very friendly and knowledgeable. We inquired about the vineyard and the wine tasting and he gave us some helpful tips.

My wife and I split a combo plate of sausage and brisket because we simply can't eat that much food and that's kind of our routine. Before our plates arrived, Kirby delivered some wonderful bread and it was devoured immediately (my 12 year old loves bread!). Kirby also tabled our BBQ sauce and explained the difference of the two. Well this was the difference maker. Their BBQ sauce has a heavy mustard base or at least it looks like it does. It had a creamy golden look and texture that beckoned the old anticipation commercials (Insert Carly Simon song here) as it slowly poured from the container and lathered its way onto the meat. Its not over-powering like mustard can be, not at all. It was truly fantastic. It was different than the obligatory ketchup based sauce you get most other places. I couldn't get enough. OK, I'm getting a little worked up, let's move along!

Our combo plate arrived and it didn't disappoint either. Both the sausage and the brisket were terrific! I wish I could say that it was very different than most really good BBQ places but I can't. It was fantastic, but there was nothing there that said OMG, this is the most unique BBQ I've ever had. Let's face it, that place may not exist. The Brisket was tender and and very flavorful and you could taste the smoke and the wonderful seasoning of aging cook boxes. The sausage was tender as well and had the perfect amount of heat. It wasn't over-powering. I'm a sausage freak and this was good stuff man!

The accompaniments were awesome as well. I typically don't like to eat potato salad at BBQ places because many times it's over the top in my opinion with pickles and mustard. This was much more mild and I enjoyed it. The beans were very tasty as well. As usual I ate most of the plate and Michele ate her small portions and we were happy. Admittedly I ate a great deal of my sons sausage as well and swore I wouldn't eat for the rest of the week....but I did. I mean come on, it's Austin right!
By the time we left, it was close to noon and the place was packed. They must be proud at the Salt Lick because its so far off the beaten path and miles away from a major town and they still pack'em in! So cool!
I strongly recommend The Salt Lick if you are ever in the area. I purchased some of their seasonings and will be using them soon and most likely posting what I cook. Look them up on the world wide web if you're interested and see what their all about. Tell them that Scotty B sent ya!
Y'all come back now, ya here!